Seeking Arrangement

 Seeking Arrangement

 Seeking Arrangement

For The Love Of Money

Seeking Arrangement? There are a lot of free online dating . They will ask you if you are looking for a sugar daddy/momma. It is amazing what people will do for the love of money. Do you love money more than you love your self. Maybe you might need to get some relationship tips.

Free love, the fact is that we live in a very fast pace world. It seems like everyone is in a rush. We all are trying to keep our head above water. We have a long list  of to do’s every single day of our lives. It seems like there are not enough hours in each day.

We over look what is most important in our lives. That importance is LOVE, and everything that come with it. Love is free but we have put a price tag on it. I love you, it is given out only for tangible rewards. I will love you no matter what, is a response to a person in love with another person because of there status.

I will love you more if we had this or that. Love is not something that can be purchased like a item on amazon. Love is free. So why do we have such a dilemma when it comes to our hearts. Are we so afraid of love that we put up walls and charge a fee to enter.

Would you love me if I gave you a million dollars. Would you spend it on traveling the world searching for what you think love is. I am just a man, a man with a heart and soul. I love from within not by the decorations of this world.

I will love a stranger in need, just as much as a wealthy man does to his possessions. I am just a man seeking this thing called love. Society tells the world that to love a man that is tall dark, and handsome.  the most important component is money. He has to have lots and lots of money.

But I am just a man. I can work hard all my life and never become rich. But my riches could never be found in any form of tender that can b exchange for the pearls of this life. Can it be that the brainwashing that we have  surrendered to has put conditions on the one we so call love.

To be rich, famous, well know is not my journey. That path less walked is the road for me. You see love is a beautiful emotions and I hope that we all can swim in it until time  is no more.  My love will not be a person of this world, but has a devotion to the one that made her. She will rejoice in the smallest things because that is not what makes her happy. I will be a part of that happiness in her heart.

We will live a  romance not understood by the world, but very pleasing in God’s eye. Our love alone will make the most successful people jealous. Our love will be remembered for all eternity because it was pure. Don’t be afraid to ask someone out because you are lacking financially, because the one that will except you for all that is within is out there waiting for you.

 Seeking Arrangement

If your looking for relationship question, or you have a confession about your marriage. We are here to help.  A good relationship blog is what you want than you are here. Here is another story to read at your pleasure.

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